As many may already know Netflix will release a Live-Action Series adaptation of the manga series One Piece during 2023, there is no specific date for it. One of the main characters Monkey D. Luffy will be played by Iñaki Godoy; Langley Kirkwood as Captain Morgan, Celeste Loost as Kaya, Alexander Maniatis as Klahadore, Craig Fairbrass as Chef Zeff, Steven Ward as Mihawk, and Chioma Umeala as Nojiko, as well as McKinley Belcher III, Morgan Davies, Aidan Scott, Vincent Regan, Jeff Ward and Ilia Isorelýs Paulino.
Netlix has issued a 10-episode order for the project, teaming with Tomorrow Studios, which is also producing the streamer’s other forthcoming manga-based series “Cowboy Bebop,” and the original series’ publisher Shueisha.
In addition to the manga, which debuted in 1997, Toei Animation has produced 20 seasons of the “One Piece” anime series comprising more than 1,000 episodes. There also have been 15 animated films based on “One Piece” released to date.
Netlix has issued a 10-episode order for the project, teaming with Tomorrow Studios, which is also producing the streamer’s other forthcoming manga-based series “Cowboy Bebop,” and the original series’ publisher Shueisha.
In addition to the manga, which debuted in 1997, Toei Animation has produced 20 seasons of the “One Piece” anime series comprising more than 1,000 episodes. There also have been 15 animated films based on “One Piece” released to date.
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